Wednesday, February 11, 2015


So, I've been busy designing projects and making things.

A couple of the things as of late...

Webcam Mount

Car dash phone mount.

Raspberry Pi b+/Pi 2 + 2.8" PiTFT case & Feet

Fire Extinguisher Holders

Shower beer shelf.
So yeah, I've also been fiddling around with the printer, honing it in and testing new filaments.

It printed really well. 0.1mm layers with a 0.25mm nozzle and supports. ~6ish hours.

Anyways, art projects.

This one will soon be incorporated into a piece I'm printing as I type this. Blinking lights, ect.

I've also another project that I'm hollowing out books for, that I'll post more of when it's closer to completion.

In a final note, I've started to post my designs online so that others with a printer can make them as well.


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