I love the open source community.
For the past month I've been working on and off on a 3D printer. Using designs based off of the
RepRap Prusa i3 that were tweaked and improved by
TwelvePro, with no prior CNC experience I've been able to construct a very polished looking machine.
I've self sourced every part of the printer, starting with raw materials whenever possible save the electronics.
Anyways, a few pictures...
Laser cutting the frame (this was attempt #2, measure twice cut once....) |
Using a Makerbot Replicator at my university to print a few parts. |
Most of the printed parts as well as the cut parts. |
The stepper motors. 76oz Nema 17's |
The y-axis with print bed carriage. |
All I'm missing now is the control board, and is only missing because the first one I was sent was faulty. From there on it's all calibration and troubleshooting. And then, plastic everything.